Thursday, May 29, 2014

[Python] fundamental of Python


Python is a interpreting script language, which is very popular these years. This post will summarize some fundamentals of this language.
I installed python(x,y) as my python environment. To run a python script, type in “python”, or run it in IDE, just same as running matlab script in matlab IDE.
fundamental syntax:
import (same as Java)
string <=> int
string.atoi(s,[,base]) #convert to int, base is the base of the number, 10, 16, or 8
string.atof(s) #convert to float
change dir:
import os
statement (loop/if/else)
if x<0:
x++ # note that all code-block structure is defined by indent

no end

for i in range(10,0,-3): # range(10,0,-3) means 10:-3:0, while 0 is excluded
print “the output num is %d”%(i)
read/write file:
fid = open(“xx.txt”,”r”)
line = fid.readline()
fid = open(“xx.txt”,”w+”)
fid.write(line) # automatically return to a new line

List if mutable, while tuple is immutable.

How to check the structure of a variable?
You can call type(var) to know the type of the variable. Then dir() and getattr() to check the structure.

List comprehensions
x = list([0 1 2 3 4 5])
y = [x_i for x_i in x]
y = [x_i+1 for x_i in x if x>1]
y = [x_i+1 if x_i%2==0 else x_i for x_i in x if x>1]

how to sum up a list?

pandas DataFrame

Written with StackEdit.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Multi-kernel learning, run "SMO-MKL" on my laptop (windows 8 64 bit)

I am compiling an open-source code set of multi-kernel learning:
This is not the latest ML software, but could be a good start.

Now it is working on my windows 8 (64 bit)
1. Add $Programfiles$\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC\bin to $path$
  run "vcvars32.bat" to set up all path and environment variables for Visual C++.

2. type:
nmake -f clean all

Done~ the compiled exe files are located in Windows sub-directory.
Have a try:
svm-train -s 0 -h 0 -m 400 -o 2.0 -a 26 -c 10.0 -l 1.0 -f 0 -j 1 -g 3 -k Example/Classification/PrecomputedKernels/kernelfile Example/Classification/PrecomputedKernels/y_train Example/Classification/PrecomputedKernels/model_file
This example is to train a model from a kernel matrix. And you may test on testing data:
svm-predict Example/Classification/PrecomputedKernels/y_test Example/Classification/PrecomputedKernels/model_file Example/Classification/PrecomputedKernels/prediction

I eventually found that nmake -f clean all actually did not compile the svm.cpp again, but instead, it is based on pre-compiled svm.obj. And if you made a change on svm.cpp, then nmake will give you some error message. I did not have a solution for it so far.

3. error/warning message when run "svm-predict".
This is annoying, because I wanna do grid search to find the optimal values for parameters. And actually the result is correct, but only because of exception not been handled, the error message comes out. This makes the pipeline stopped and have to manually click a confirm button to continue.
I have to change the svm-predict.c, to comment off the code to destroy svm_model.